Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reaching A Desired Audience

When writing a narrative it is important to note that you have to have a purpose for writing it. Whether your writing to inform, reflect, persuade or evaluate there has to be a purpose to it that attracts the audience your writing to. A good way to begin a narrative is to understand what the assignment, or narrative in this case, is supposed to be about. Once you have your topic in place you can begin brainstorming, researching, or creating a diagram of the events to take place in your narrative.When starting your narrative it is crucial to have a thesis statement in the introduction to clarify what your topic is about. After that you have the main body of the paper and the conclusion which restates the thesis statement. Inside the narrative are story grammars, these story grammars make the narrative come together and have meaning. The story grammars are setting, characters, plot and theme and they all make up the narrative. The setting determines where and when the story takes place, the characters are what gives the story meaning and they usually consist of antagonist and protagonist in the story, the plot is the events that take place and the theme is the central message in the story. If we include all of these components and strategies in our narrative then there should be no problem grabbing and keeping the attention of our audience and having a complete narrative.

Taking everything that I learned above I will now give an example as to how it is used in a narrative.

When I was thirteen years old I was a bit of a trouble maker when around my friends. When the weekend came we were always outside, messing around, doing crazy things. On one particular night my friends Dominic, Logan and I decided to go around the neighborhood and ding dong ditch some houses. House after house, right in a row, we rang each doorbell and ran. It wasn't until 3am when we saw a police car and then things got intense. Most of the time the police just drive around the neighborhood and tell us to go home and stop causing trouble, but this time they got out of the car and we ran. We ran south from the houses we just hit and headed back to Dominic's. We finally got back and were amazed to see how much of an issue we caused. All night we saw nothing but black unmarked cop cars driving down the street looking for what we thought, was us. It wasn't until the next morning that we found out that the west side of our neighborhood had been broken into and that is what caused the police and undercover cars to show up. In the end, the lesson we learned was that we were faster than Fort Wayne , IN, cops.

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