Friday, November 4, 2011

Important Tools In Writing.

What I believe is the most important tool or tools, for that matter, are story grammars and the element of cause and effect. Simply put, without these writers don't really have a story, they have children's story book. Story grammars such as the setting itself tell the audience where the story takes place and what time period these events happened. Characters inside a story give the essay meaning, they keep the audience interested and their just plain old vital to whatever your writing about. The plot is the sequence of events that the characters are involved in and the theme mashes it all together in to something important the writer wants to express. As you can see, this is why the presence of story grammars is needed for anything writers plan on writing about.

The other important element needed to be grasped is the concept of cause and effect action. Has anyone ever seen a movie without this element or better yet a story? Probably not, and unless something goes horribly wrong with the writing process today then writer never will. Cause and effect seems to create a low point, middle point, and high point, climax, and conclusion to the story. This concept, used over and over again, is the backbone to creating an interest in an audience anyone is trying to attract.

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